"The phenomena FRIKAR is among the best things happened to the Norwegian contemporary dance."
Imagine a day away from your mobile phone. What would you do? For some of us it is almost unimaginable to live without our phones now, and a whole life without it is unfathomable! What did people do pre-phone era? What did the girls do when the boys travelled from the farms and into the local villages, and what did the boys do when the girls were looking after the animals at the farms? How did they manage to change quiet moments into creative breaks?
GotoGuta is a show with a playful approach to traditions. It is performed by three of the greatest traditional folk dancers in Norway and to the sound of the hardanger fiddle played live throughout the performance.
GotoGuta focuses on the joy of movement and dance through challenging momentums from halling-dance, as well as softer, more empathic aspects of the traditional folk dance. The performance focuses on the stigma surrounding masculine interaction and collaboration, which often prevents close physical contact through an inherited anxiety in-between men. GotoGuta approaches these highly relevant topics with humour and ease, dance and storytelling.
"How is physical contact in-between boys different? With GotoGuta I wanted to make a powerful trio playing with group dynamics and stereotypical expectations to physical contact in-between boys." - Hallgrim Hansegård, Artistic Director.
"Tender, powerful and acrobatic. In GotoGuta the energy that flows between the performers challenges us. It is both very sensitive and full of power and humour. It is good to see men behave in this way, with such a great breadth of expression." - Marianne Lystrup, Folkemusikk.
Read the full review here (in Norwegian).
Artistic director: Hallgrim Hansegård
Dancers: Nikolaj Bo Fischer Nielsen, Jon Bugge Mariussen, Håkon Håvelsrud Odden and Erlend Viken
Technicians on tour: Jan Harald Ovrum og Herman Kvelprud.
Co-creating dancers: Ådne R. G. Kolbjørnshus, Vetle Springgard and Hallgrim Hansegård
Co-creating musicians: Andris Hemsing and Erlend Apneseth (performing once at a time)
Dramaturg: Célestine Hennermann
Light and set designer: Horst Muhlberger
Sound designer: Herman Kvelprud
Costume design: Hallgrim Hansegård/Sylvia Denais
World premiere at Førdefestivalen 1st July 2015.
Co-producers: Førde Traditional and World Music Festival, Riksscenen and Fjelldansen.
The performance is supported by Oppland Fylkeskommune and Valdres kommune. Research is supported by The Arts Council Norway.
28th October: Førdehuset, Førde.
31st October: Storstuggu, Røros.
3rd November: Rauma Kulturhus, Rauma.
4th November: Fosnavåg konserthus, Fosnavåg.
5th November: Operahuset, Nordfjord.
7th November: Ibsenhuset, Skien.
22rd October: Dokka Ungdomsskule.
More dates for the school tour will be announced soon.

Dirk Korell, Camin Aktion.
Email: contact@caminaktion.eu
Phone: (+33) 06 85 43 55 67
Ellen Berntsen, FRIKAR
Email: ellen@frikar.com
Phone: +47 90 222 875